In a similar way to D-Day 80, there are many local Councils, Churches, Care Homes, Hospitals, Pubs, Hotels and individual families etc, that would like to take part in the VE Day 80 celebrations but are lacking resources or land to light a beacon, so we encourage them to purchase a reusable Lamp Light of Peace.

It provides an extremely cost efficient, simple and meaningful way to take part, with the lamp’s ruby red colour representing the ultimate sacrifice made by brave men and women throughout the world who sacrificed so much during WWII, fighting for the freedom we all enjoy today. Its flame represents the ‘light of peace’ that emerged from the darkness of so many years of war and it is such an ideal way for local councils and communities to take part at a cost of only £55.00 including vat, post and packaging for one of these lamps. (Those with existing Lamps are being asked to re-use them).

VE Day 80 Lamp Light of Peace


With this in mind, we would like to encourage every City, Borough, District Community, Town and Parish Council to take part in this special celebration with a Lamp Light of Peace, using this to pay tribute to those within their local communities that undertook so much for us all during WWII, especially as we must use every opportunity possible to help promote peace around the world.

We would like the lamps to be lit at 9.30pm on 8th May 2025, coinciding with the lighting of the beacons that night, and once lit for this occasion, they can be re-lit at 11am on 11th November in Remembrance for many years thereafter.