The VE Day 80 Tribute

VE Day 80 Tribute (9.30pm)

All those taking part, whether they be lighting Beacons, Lamp Lights of Peace or holding a Party, are being encouraged to stop what they are doing at 9.30pm, and read out the following Tribute by a nominated individual, bringing the Nation together at this one moment in time

The VE DAY 80 Tribute
9.30pm on 8th of May 2025

Let us remember those who gave their lives at home and abroad, whose sacrifice enables us to all enjoy the peace we have today.

Let us remember those who came home, wounded, physically and mentally, and the friends and family who cared for them.

Let us remember those who returned to restore their relationships and rebuild their working and family lives after years of conflict and turmoil.

Let us remember the families that lost husbands, wives, sons, daughters and sweethearts.

Let us remember the servicemen and women of other nationalities and faiths from Commonwealth and allied countries who fought, suffered and died during six years of war.

Let us remember those in reserved occupations and the brave people who kept us safe on the home front - the doctors, nurses who cared for the wounded, the men and women who toiled in the fields, the fisherman who fished the seas, those who worked in the factories and the air-raid wardens, the police officers, firemen, ambulance drivers and the young people of the Scouts and Guides who played such a vital role in the war effort at home too.

God Save The King.